Is Ghana a member of the AfCFTA?

Yes, Ghana is member of the AfCFTA and ratified the agreement on 10th May, 2018.

What is required for Ghanaian exporters to qualify under the AfCFTA

  • Ghanaian businesses seeking to export under the AfCFTA will need to register and also acquire the necessary permit indicated under the Export Procedure in this document.
  • The exporter also needs to confirm that the product qualify for trading under AfCFTA for the destination country

What is required for Ghanaian importers to qualify under the AfCFTA?

  • Ghanaian businesses seeking to import under the AfCFTA will need to register and also acquire the necessary permit indicated under Export Procedure in this document
  • The importer also needs to confirm that the product qualify for trading under the Ghana AfCFTA tariff offers.

How does AfCFTA benefit Ghanaian small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)?

  • AfCFTA will enable SMEs to access the African markets which in turn will lead to expanding their businesses.
  • It will make it easier for SMEs to provide goods and services to other regional companies as part of their value chains. For instance, Ghanaian SMEs can provide inputs for goods manufactured in Nigeria or Burkina Faso or vice versa.

Will all goods exported to other African countries be duty-free quota-free?

90% of qualifying goods from State Parties can benefit from preferential tariff treatment.

Which service sectors are covered by the agreement?

The Agreement currently covers the following five (5) service sectors:

  • Business Services
  • Transport Services
  • Financial Services
  • Communication Services and
  • Tourism services

Traders may refer to the links for the State Parties Schedules of Services Commitment for more information.

What happens if some countries refuse to remove trade barriers or reimpose them?

In such situations, affected or aggrieved State Parties may resort to the use of the Protocol on Rules and Procedures in the Settlement of Disputes

Which products qualify for export or import under the AfCFTA?

All goods and products falling within State Parties tariff offers may be imported or exported under AfCFTA preferential tariffs in compliance with the Rules of Origin.

What does the AfCFTA mean for Ghanaian women entrepreneurs and traders?

The AfCFTA will provide greater market access to women entrepreneurs and opportunities for cross border trading.

Does the AfCFTA agreement adopt any of the WTO rules/clauses?

Yes, the AfCFTA Agreement just like many Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) adopts the WTO fundamental principles and rules such as Rules on Trade in Goods, Rules on Trade in Services and Rules on the settlement of Disputes. Non-discrimination and reciprocity are some WTO principles also widely adopted in the AfCFTA.

Is there a payment platform/mechanism in place for African traders to settle their payment obligations?

  • The African Export Import Bank (Afreximbank) is working with Member states of the African Union to develop the Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS). The PAPSS was formally launched by the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) at the African Union extraordinary summit on July 7 in Niamey, Niger Republic.
  • The platform when fully activated will make it possible for African companies to clear and settle trade transactions within Africa, in their local currencies. This will significantly reduce the dependence on hard currencies in regional trade payments.

How does one apply for employment to the AfCFTA Secretariat?

Recruitments and mode of application for positions at the AfCFTA Secretariat are advertised on the AU website.

Will Customs Posts at the borders continue to exist?

Yes, Customs Posts will still remain to perform customs functions and to facilitate trade.

Will imports from all African countries into Ghana be tariff exempt?

Only imports from State Parties will qualify for preferential import tariff as per Ghana’s tariff offers.

Can goods imported from non-African countries be re-exported under AfCFTA to an African country?

No, only goods imported from State Parties can be re-exported to other State Parties and benefit from preferential import tariffs under AfCFTA.

Can manufactured products in Ghana containing inputs from non-African countries be exported to an African country under the AfCFTA?

Yes, manufactured products from Ghana containing inputs from non-African countries can be exported to other State Parties provided they meet the criteria set out under the AfCFTA Rules of Origin.

What happens to existing trade agreements between Ghana and other non-African countries?

Existing trade agreements between Ghana and other non-African Countries will continue to be administered separately such that, there will be no interference of such agreements with the operation of the AfCFTA.

What protection is there for Ghanaian traders if there should be a trade dispute with other State Parties?

Disputes arising from trading will be settled in accordance with the Protocol on Rules and Procedures in the Settlement of Disputes under the AfCFTA.

How does AfCFTA affect Ghana’s commitments under the WTO?

The implementation of the AfCFTA does not affect Ghana’s commitments under the WTO. Rather, the AfCFTA is one of the many Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) recognized and notified to the WTO. Thus, the core principles upheld under the AfCFTA are similar to that of the WTO and are not in conflict.

How does AfCFTA contribute to a Ghana beyond Aid Agenda?

The AfCFTA ties in perfectly with the vision of a Ghana beyond Aid. The vision of a Ghana beyond Aid can be met faster if we Ghana can take advantage of the trade and investment opportunities the AfCFTA presents.

How does one get access to Africa’s trade information-needed to serve as a guide to potential import/export destinations?

  • The structure of the AfCFTA includes, among others, an African Trade Observatory (ATO). The Observatory will provide updated and reliable data to inform business and policy decisions and to monitor the implementation process of the AfCFTA and its impact.
  • In Ghana, GEPA can also be a good source of trade information.

When does recruitment to the AfCFTA Secretariat start?

Recruitments to the AfCFTA Secretariat has already commenced with the appointment of the Secretary-General in February 2020. Information on recruitments will be advertised and can be accessed at the AU website.